JOST PVDF is synthetic, monofilament, non-absorbable, sterile surgical suture, which is widely applicable in surgery.
- Material: homopolymer of polyvinylidene fluoride
- Color: blue
- Available in diameters 10/0-2, cut in different lengths
- Sterilized: ethylene oxide
- Depending on the diameter of the suture and surgical branch, sutures are combined with standard or special needles of different types and sizes (more information in the final product catalogue).
JOST PVDF surgical sutures have high stretch-resistance during the critical wound healing period. Monofilament structure provides easy and atraumatic passage through tissues.
The smooth surface of monofilament sutures leades to less adherence of bacteria on the surface of the suture.
- Easy for handling combined with a high-security of surgical knot
- Cause minimal acute inflammatory tissue reaction.
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